Turnout for Pleasure Shows
Back in 2008, club member Suzanne Langenwalter published a series of 3 articles on turnout for pleasure showing in the BVDC Newsletter along with presenting the topic at a General Membership meeting that year. At a General Membership meeting in 2016 we again held a program on turnout with Lore Homer as our resident expert. Suzanne's series of articles were retrieved from her sister Jaye Ventresca so that we could provide them as a handout at the program and re-publish them on our website and in the Newsletter again.
Turnout Part 1 - How to "Balance" Color in a Turnout
Turnout Part 2 - Balancing Pattern, Size and Shape
Turnout Part 3 - Shape and “Presence” in Your Outfit
These articles are chock full of detail about different aspects of turnout and accompanied by many photo examples in color.
The club is very appreciative of the effort and expertise that Suzanne put into writing these articles!
Click to download all 3 parts of this series
For the 2016 Turnout Clinic, we viewed many examples of turnout which you can see in the following slide show (click on the image):